The Roadrunners

Photos: Reunions

The Roadrunners haven't performed as a band since the 60s. But we still keep in touch and meet up from time to time. Here are a few of those occasions.

  1. The new Cavern Club opened in 1984, and over 100 musicians and performers who had appeared at the old club were invited along to revive the tradition of signing their names on the club's walls. As Adrian Henri was leaving he reported: "Coming towards me down Mathew Street were five people looking like a beat photograph of the period; I couldn't believe it." - Guess who! (Source: Liverpool Echo - 19th March, 1984.)

  2. After the release of the Bear Family box set, we decided to give it a listen and then adjourned to a local Merseyside hostelry. (L-R: Dave P, Pete, John, Dave B.)

  3. Tim Dugdill (Georgians) organises occasional charity gigs in the former Hope Hall. Here, in 2003, we catch up with Mike Kontzle and Terry McCusker (3rd and 4th from left).

  4. Hope Hall 2004. Dave Percy is on the left while your webmaster and band archivist, David Holmes, lurks in blue shirt and baseball cap.